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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our World!

During this unit I learned many things that I never thought off it. For example I was really surprise about the petroleum. I didn’t know that some of the medicine contains petroleum. As the make up, cloths, computers and etc. Human has reached a point where oil/petroleum is a big part of our life. We used in every way even in our transportation for we could get to one place to another. Oil is a good product for us to help us to get through, but also oil is not that good. Oil affects our life and plant. The oil that we used in our transportations damages our environment. We pullute the air that we breath, that’s why we need to find ways to stop depending on oil. For example we can walk or ride bikes. Another thing is that instead of gas we could replace it for something that does not harm our environment or affects us. One way to start is to reduce our carbon footprint for example we could stop THROWING the batteries into the trash. We could buy a specific bag for the market for we could stop reducing the plastic bags. Also we could unplug the electronics items when you don’t use them.
If we do the habits as back then, I would feel kind weir, but it will be okay because we will saving more energy and have a better world. Where people does not have to worry about high prices of gasoline or collapse of oil.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Business!!

I cannot believe what is happening; few weeks later my seafood restaurant was a successful RESTAURANT.. There were not complaining everything was fine. But since the explosion and the oil spill I have lose many customers. I don't know what to do, I am afraid to close my business this is the only work that help me to support my family. Even though I tell my customers the sea food is not contaminated they are not sure. They are trying to avoided until they see good results. Im losing a lot of money and not getting any profit back. Hopefully this situation end sooner,otherwise I have to sell my business and invert in something else.

My Community

My community is buil up of many places like stores, local parks, restaurants, train station and many mre. But as I walk in my community I see that many stores and business are closing up/This is because peope are losing transportation like for example the gasoline prices are going higher so many people has to take the bus or look for jobs that are more closer. Also because for every item that is in the market thier prices are getting higher too. For example me I walk to school everyday. Then for i could get to my intership i have to take the bus and come in the bus. Elasticity is somehting really important for economic and oil crisis because we have to buy many items for wecould survive.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Did You Know?

Wow. This activity was really interesting I learned many unexpected stuff. For example the bananas, I never knew that they come form Guatemala to the United States (: . That's really cool bananas have to travel in order for we could buy them in the U.S.A or the tuna I thought they came from New mexico but no, they come from San Francisco, really interesting huh.

Locavores are people who eats foods from their local homes. Locavores try to create connections between them and the food sources which they try to help and support their local economy. by buying many food to farmers and sellers that are willing to help and support.

Frankenfood is any genetically modified plant or animal. For example in chickens they are more big when they add hormones. Just like in fruits and vegetables they are more bigger and tasty when hormones are added.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Services are broken down

As today as usual I was watching the news In ABC News.. I see that the volcano have damage many countries and their people.Which this is going to bring many economic problems. The airlines are empty no employeers are working because of the horrible situation that is happening. Which cause the country to lose money for we could repair the collapse.
Seen this make me unsure to been driving around or walking to one place to another. Im not sure; any more because am worry about my safety.All i know is the we should thanks god that the Eyjuafjallajoekull eruption did not brought significant risk to the public health because of its high altitude.
To be honest am afraid to lose some of my nessities like food because in one way or another affects our food products. Specially if the layoff continue to increasing because who is going to bring us services and goods. If we have less people working.
Now I have to appreciate more my needs, value the things that are the most imporant. For example like food, shelter items that will help me to survive in the hard times. I guess that i have to sacrifice my wants because they are not that important for now.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Supply & Demand

Supply is the amount of good services that producers are able to sell in differences prices.

Demand is what are you willing to buy and able to buy in the marketplace.

*Market is the process of freely exchanging of goods and services between buyers and sellers.

The quiz that I did today took me by suprise because I didnt know that material.Also because some of the question got me by surprise for example the one that say with the technology that we have today we cant find ssolutions for the oi lproblem. =/
Source : CSL Cartoonstock

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

Today I watched a new report about petroleum and I learned that petroleum is everything for us. We used in many ways like in our transportation for we coul travel to one place to another. Also we used for we could heat our food and in the cloth that we used daily. Petroleum has been one of the most needed product that peolpe depend on.

Today while I was reading I got really suprise to see that petroleum are in the medications that we drink when we are sick. Is amazing to see how petroleum is use and that people depend to much...

I can't image our world without petroleum.. Petroleum is not something that we want is something that we really need!
source: China Suppliers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Without My Sweater?

Can you believe is going to be raining all this whole month. So I decided to go to the store to buy sweaters because is really cold inside as outside and one sweater is not enough fo this weather.But the saleslady told me that they don't have sweaters because of the oil production has decrease. Now what do I suppose to do??? I’m really cold and worry because what if I get flu. If I don’t have a sweater I won’t keep my body warm and I wont be able to do my daily life activities...

Source: pirate Sweater