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Monday, April 26, 2010

Supply & Demand

Supply is the amount of good services that producers are able to sell in differences prices.

Demand is what are you willing to buy and able to buy in the marketplace.

*Market is the process of freely exchanging of goods and services between buyers and sellers.

The quiz that I did today took me by suprise because I didnt know that material.Also because some of the question got me by surprise for example the one that say with the technology that we have today we cant find ssolutions for the oi lproblem. =/
Source : CSL Cartoonstock


  1. hey patty

    Your blog is very cute :D
    it shows a lot of important details about the oil.This blog will help me and others learn the importances of oil.


  2. Really good definitions!
    Well you explained really good what supply, Demand and Market are.

    I know most of the question in the quiz were very difficult and i agree you many questions also grabbed my attention.

    Smart Response!

